Amsterdam 2015
Amsterdam 2015
Abstract book - Abstract - 2256
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International Committee
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Scientific Committee
Abstract #2256  -  Poster 1
  58.1: Poster 1 (Poster) on Tuesday   in  Chaired by
  Presenting Author:   Mr Martijn Bruil - University of Amsterdam , Netherlands
  Additional Authors:  Dr  Kouassi Martin, Mr Brou Sylvain,  
Given ART, people living with HIV (PLWH) can function by and large normally at the workplace and should experience careers like anyone else. Still stigma of HIV prevails, to the degree that people living with HIV are invisible in professional contexts, because they are not conceptualized as members of the workforce, but as “sick”. To counteract HIV stigma at the workplace, deeper knowledge about the structure and content of the stigma is needed.
Method / Issue:
We conducted at survey among 347 LGBT individuals in the Netherlands, who as close allies should be better informed and should hold more positive views on the issue than heterosexuals. The survey contained a number of attitude measures towards people living with HIV at the workplace, and prevalence estimates.
Results / Comments:
LGBT participants overestimate AIDS related death prevalence, and PLWH in the Netherlands. Contact with PLWH was minimal, both in private and professional contexts. PLWH also only now other PLWH in private contexts, pointing to an invisibility issue. Lack of contact with PLWH predicted more negative attitudes overall, and especially prejudice in terms of health and pension benefits, and career opportunities.
This research sheds light on the invisibility of PLWH at the workplace and related stigmatization. It is noteworthy that the fairly negative views expressed here are being held by allies, LGBT people and not by heterosexuals. The results underline the need for more tailored information to be made available to counter HIV stigma at the workplace and to allow for productive life trajectories of PLWH within the workforce.
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