Marseille 2007
Marseille 2007
Abstract book
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  6.21: Posters A (Poster) on Monday   in  Chaired by
  Presenting Author:   Mr NELIO ZUCCARO - ASSESSORIA DE DST/AIDS, Brazil
  Additional Authors:   
To describe the programmatic vulnerability of the cities of Rio de Janeiro State showed in their planning of goals or HIV/Aids prevention activities planned focused on drugs users, during the last two years. Brazil is one of the countries which have more Aids cases notified. Partially related to the dimension of its population (Parker et al.,1994)and to social and economical factors identified as structuring the vulnerability to HIV infection, either by this heterogeneity and the inequality among Brazilian regions. There are 47451 Aids cases in Rio de Janeiro State, 5,7% (men older than 13 years old) and 3,6% (women also older than 13 years old) had IDU referred as category of exposition. It is important to consider that the number of cases existing in this category reflects , with no doubt, the invisibility of the problem, since is undeniable the difficulty that most people have in assume this condition to society, consequently to health services. The main point to focus on is the invisibility that covers the theme HIV prevention and drugs users which comes from the public policy of the fight against Aids. The distribution and location of human, technical and financial resources in STD/Aids programs in all level of government prevention sector, lots of times end to prior actions based less on the necessity of some parts of the population, than on ideological desires of political leaders , governors and health services managers.
Method / Issue:
Information about the STD/Aids programs existing in Rio de Janeiro State cities was obtained through interviews with the local managers or questionnaires responded by them objecting to evaluate the use of technical and/or financial resources in goals or actions in STD/Aids prevention focused on drugs (licit or not) users.
Results / Comments:
It was observed that from the local managers of the State contacted 80 to 90% any technical or financial investment in STD/Aids prevention to drugs users in the last two years.
It is important to implant STD/Aids prevention programs for this specific population. These programs should consider the different levels of vulnerability existing in each region of the state. Prevention programs for this population should apply all possible efforts in order to assist them in their necessities, objecting to change their risk behaviors , reducing harm and offering treatment for those who desire and need this, considering that not all drugs users desire or are able to complete abstinence. To fight against prejudice, to develop ones autonomy to health care, respecting Humans Rights and Constitutionals Rights of equal access to public health services,
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