Barcelona 2013
Barcelona 2013
Abstract book - Abstract - 572
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Conference Details
International Committee
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Abstract #572  -  E-Posters English
  50.126: E-Posters English (Poster) on Sunday   in  Chaired by
  Presenting Author:   Dr. Sue Gibbons - Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, Zambia
  Additional Authors:  Dr. Jordi Casabona, Sra Cristina Sanclemente, Dra. Anna  Esteve, Dra. Victoria Gonzalez, Grupo HIVITS TS,  
Issues: Since the inception of freely available ART in Zambia, the number of children and adolescents living with HIV is ever growing. However, only 28% of the estimated children in need of ART receive treatment, as compared with 58% of adults. (Unicef 2012). Although most government clinics now hold a weekly paediatric ART day, many with trained paediatric counsellors, services still face severe challenges in retaining children and adolescents in long term treatment, and offering them and their families adequate support to address the many challenges that they face.
Method / Issue:
Project: Barefeet Theatre ( employs participatory theatre methodology to engage vulnerable children in exploration and dialogue on topics of key importance in their lives. Barefeet, in collaboration with EGPAF Zambia?s psychosocial programmes team, has developed a three phase programme to explore and address three key areas of concern to young people living with HIV: stigma, adherence and peer pressure. The Eagles, Snakes and Stars programme is being run in five clinic support groups across Lusaka in collaboration with the Ministry of Health. Clinic counsellors, who currently facilitate the youth support groups, play a key role in the implementation of the programme. It aims to strengthen skills within the clinic system to offer meaningful psychosocial support to children and adolescents living with HIV, and to build the young people?s skills to manage the challenges they face. Phase one presents six short (20 - 30 minute) performances, during paediatric ART day at the clinic. The performances introduce the fun and likeable characters Sunny and Gift, both children living with HIV, and take us through some of the challenges they face in their day to day lives. Phase two builds on the story of Sunny and Gift, offering the paediatric ART clinic support group members six weekly workshops to explore and address the themes of adherence, stigma and peer pressure in their lives. In phase three, Barefeet facilitators mentor each group of children to develop their own performances, enabling others to benefit from their learning on the topics. The project will culminate in a group performance at the Barefeet Youth Arts Festival in August 2013.
Results / Comments:
Lessons learned: The project runs from April to August so is still in its early stages. This presentation proposes to present the project only very briefly, then to show a film of the festival performances created by the children and adolescents living with HIV to educate others on the key themes of stigma, adherence and peer pressure. Ethics approval is being applied for and informed consent will be obtained.
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